How fitness and exercise can help you create better health in 2016 – TWC Chiropractic

Jan 11, 2016

Tunbridge Wells Community Chiropractor Joe Williams discusses how we can start to get hooked on exercise and create better health in 2016.

We all have friends who, despite hectic schedules, never miss their exercise. They have all their events, races and gym scheduled plan for the entire year ahead and we are left feeling disheartened. You even think they are addicted to exercise and they are some how wired differently than yourself. But we still envy them! The good news is that exercise is good for us and makes us feel great which will be motivation in itself to keep exercising.

You can also try;

  • Setting your alarm a little earlier so that you make time in your schedule. Something simple like setting the alarm to goofy and play some music may help you wake up more easily or turning a light on as soon as your alarm goes off.
  • Lay your exercise gear out before going to sleep – it is one less thing to think about in the morning.
  • Find what you love, remember sports are great ways to exercise and it doesn’t feel like you are. Sometime being in a group environment is more motivational
  • Invest in it, when you are paying for something e.g. a perennial trainer, a gym membership, a group session outdoors you are more likely to attend.

If you want more information check out our recent Facebook post on how to create health from the inside out starting with fitness.

Create Health from the inside out

Check out our Facebook page here!

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