Keep stress naturally low this year!

Jan 22, 2018

The modern world puts so much pressure on us
Are you overwhelmed by stress?

Well, you’re not alone. Studies show over 54% of people are concerned with the amount of stress in their daily life. Muscle tension is a physical form of stress. Many of us carry this tension in our shoulders and neck. Muscle tension in our shoulders can contribute to headaches, neck and back pain. Chronic stress can lower your energy levels resulting in irritability, illness, and even depression.

But, there is good news! A few simple changes to your daily routine can help you dramatically decrease your stress level, boost your energy, and ultimately live a healthier and happier life. Keep reading to learn how.

Why it Matters:

One of the best ways you can increase your energy levels and reduce stress is with motion! Our bodies are built to move. Improving spinal motion, or segmental motion is one the ways that chiropractic adjustments help you move and feel better. Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can significantly reduce muscle tension in the shoulders, helping reduce pain, improve range of motion, and decrease stress!

“…cervical muscle tension was significantly reduced bilaterally after (an adjustment).”
“…we observed metabolic changes in the brain and skeletal muscles, as well as reductions in subjective pain, muscle tension… (after a chiropractic adjustment)”

Next Steps:

If you know someone who gets sick around the holidays it is likely due to stress. Show them you care and share this research with them. These simple tips for reducing stress will help them have a happier and healthier holiday season!

#healthypeoplehealthycommunity #shcchiropractic#newyearnewyou

Science Source:
Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2017. Article ID 4345703
Central Motor Excitability Changes After Spinal Manipulation: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Volume 25. Number 1. January 2002
Stress in America Survey. American Psychological Association. 2010

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